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Apr 11, 2011

Korean Hyped Nose Heightening Patch

Since the year 2006 koreans had rejected the idea of nose heightening surgery as they had found a natural and easy way without side effect to heighten their nose.

The secret is GAS, which help the growth of soft bone on the nose bridge. It is extracted from deep sea shell Our nose bridge is soft bone. GAS produced by our body to ensure the growth of nose bridge. Unluckily the production will be lessen start from 15 years old. This product will help heighten our nose bridge by supplying Gas extract with no side effect, safe and easy way~

The ability of secreting GAS affecting nose bridge shape.European will have taller nose bridge because they have the best ability to secret GAS, asian will have average ones, and blacks will have less ability to secret GAS by their own. THerefore european have highest tall bridge.

Its gel form to be applied on nose and leave 20~60minutes until it try to form a patch-like subtances. The GAS subtances will be penerate to our nose bridge to improve growth of soft bone in our nose.

Suitable for individuals who want their nose look higher without surgery above 16 years old.
It will help in removing blackheads and have smoother nose.
Average will be heightened 3~6mm in 1~2 month. Its popular in Korea and is approved by beauty executive and pros.
Package: 10 in per box. 5g each, 1 will be enough for 3 days.

风度隆鼻贴核心成分,是从深海甲壳类生物中提取的Gas分子,纯度超过99%, Gas分子是鼻骨和鼻软骨生长的基本物质,它的分泌会在15岁开始急剧减少,25岁前停止,“风度隆鼻贴”通过不断向鼻骨和鼻软骨补充甲壳类的gas分子,使鼻骨和鼻软骨生长拥有更多的Gas分子,从而使鼻子在原有的基础上更挺、更俏、更美,而且更自然、更安全、没任何副作用。


这是由基因所决定的。鼻子在生长过程中,细胞会分泌一种隆鼻元素GAS(Glucosamine Sulfate)GAS是鼻骨和鼻软骨的基本成分,由氨基葡萄糖、钙分子等组成。就像修建房屋时所需的钢筋水泥混凝土一样,GAS是鼻骨和鼻软骨生长的必需材料。细胞分泌GAS的能力高,则鼻梁高,细胞分泌GAS的能力低,则鼻子矮短。


“挺”有魅力 尽显“风度” 30-60天鼻梁增高3-6毫米


Price for Nose Heightening Patch: RM90/box (10pcs)
Click here for Payment Method


  1. hello, how much for 2 box? and how much is the delivery charge?

  2. Hi Sitt leng, Rm180 for 2box.May i know where is ur location? Normally Rm10-20 for delivery,depends ur location.Mind left ur email address for convenience conversation. Thanks and have a good day to u

  3. hi i actually emailed you, do you received my email?

  4. Hi, I need to buy, I Live n Saudia Arabia send .
    Thank u

  5. Sorry late reply due the internet connection interrupt at my area.
    may u leave ur email and ur address for posting?
    Due we have to check the freight charges.tq

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