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May 8, 2011

Breast Enlargement Pump

This is HOT SALE item !!!

This Crazy and hot sale Breast Enlargement Pump make your breast become big big big!!!
Safe and effective Breast Enlargement Pump with 97% success!
It has continuous flow of good reviews, safe and inexpensive compared to other breast care product in the market! Besides its breast enlargement effect, it can slim your targeted body parts, beautifying skin and also reduce the chance of getting breast cancer.

Every package comes with main machine, big cup pump, small cup pump and VCD.
Big cup : For enlargement effect.
Small cup : For dented nipples and cupping therapy.

In addition, we will provide one month warranty for the Breast Enlargement Pump (means that if any problem occur for the goods within one month, customers can send back the goods to us for repair without any charges).

这热门丰胸器能让您的胸部更大, 更大更大


Price for Breast Enlargement Pump : RM 180/set

May 7, 2011

e-gaho Collagen Plus胶原蛋白

France formulated 
Grape Seed Enrich 
Cod Fish Collagen from FRANCE
Collagen serves as a connective tissue which exists abundantly in skin, bone tendon, joints and cartilage. As we age, our body is less capable of synthesizing collagen, tissue loss of elastic, collagen fibers become thicker, stiffen, leading to arteriosclerosis; weakened muscles and joints flexible, the skin become wrinkled, in the aspect medical, it is known as the “ageing” !
Collagen’s effect on skin & complexion
  •  Prevents aging: Prevents wrinkles; Maintains elasticity; Whitening effect; Diminishes black spots; Improves scars/uneven surfaces / pimple /acne / whiteheads / blackheads; Tightens the pores; Hydrating; Moisturizing; Maintains a smooth & glossy skin.
  • when collagen in aging skin reduces, it will cause thinning of the epidermis and also elastin (collagen) in the dermis to lose elasticity which results in the appearance of folded lines & wrinkles.
Promotes slimming & tightening effects
  • Does not contains lipid or sugar, thus it is non-fattening, it helps burn calories for a notable slimming effect.
Increase immunity
  • When immuno protein combines with collagen, human immunity level will enhances more than 100 times.
  • Forms a strong defensive barrier within the organs, hence preventing the spread of cancer cells.
Treats arthritis and joint pains

  • Rejuvenates the tendons and bones, replenishes and replaces with new cells, relieves pain.

Prevents osteoporosis
  • Forms a linkage between calcium and bone cells prevents loss of calcium thus prevents osteoporosis.
Maintains smooth blood circulation
  • Keeps the blood vessels soft and flexible, smoothens blood circulation and maintains normal blood pressure.
Enhances Vision
  • Allows the translucence of eye and maintains transparency of cornea.
Direction of use :Mix 1 packet into 200ml water (avoid hot water), ready to serve. (2 packets daily).
Ingredients :
Wheat Germs, Apple Fiber, Soy Protein, Peach, Malto-oligosaccharide, Cod Fish Collagen (France),Seaweed, Grape Seed, Vitamin C, Calcium Lactate.
Price for e-gaho Collagen Plus: RM 180/box (30packs)
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Apr 11, 2011

Magic Scent Perfume超吸引异性香水

Pheromone Perfume 吸引异性香水
pheromone (from Greek φέρω phero "to bear" + hormone from Greek ὁρμή - "impetus") is a secreted or excreted chemical factor that triggers a social response in members of the same species.
  • More sexually attractive, increase your charisma by at least 16 times
  • Grab the attention of the opposite sex
  • make a positive impression at any occasion; business meetings or at parties
  • Increase your self confidence. 
  • Helps in your love relationship
To know more, please click links below :
Pheromones: Participants in your Sex Life - CNNs
Study finds Proof that Humans React to Pheromones - CNN
Sexes: The Hidden Power of Body Odors - Time Magazine
Signs of Elusive Pheromones in Humans - NY Times

And now it’s not only a proven phenomenon. Through extensive laboratory research, these hormones have been identified, isolated, and refined into their most essential, potent elements.
When you apply this pheromones perfume will make you the most attractive ever!

  • 更有性吸引力,至少增加16倍你的魅力
  • 抓住异性的关注
  • 在任何场合作出积极,好感的印象
  • 增加你的信心
  • 有助于你的爱的关系

**Now choose your Perfume flavor!!选择你的香味
For Her Pheromones Perfume     1* Sassy & Lovely ;活泼动人
                                             2* Sweet & Innocent ;甜美纯真
                                             3* Sexy & Sensual ;性感感性

For Him Pheromones Perfume    1* Confident & Stylish ;自心时尚
                                            2* Youthful & Vibrant ;朝气活力

Powerful & efficacy of different flavor, you may know more by clicking link below:

Price for Pheromones Perfume : RM130 /2bottles (5ml each)
Click here for Payment Method

Korean Hyped Nose Heightening Patch

Since the year 2006 koreans had rejected the idea of nose heightening surgery as they had found a natural and easy way without side effect to heighten their nose.

The secret is GAS, which help the growth of soft bone on the nose bridge. It is extracted from deep sea shell Our nose bridge is soft bone. GAS produced by our body to ensure the growth of nose bridge. Unluckily the production will be lessen start from 15 years old. This product will help heighten our nose bridge by supplying Gas extract with no side effect, safe and easy way~

The ability of secreting GAS affecting nose bridge shape.European will have taller nose bridge because they have the best ability to secret GAS, asian will have average ones, and blacks will have less ability to secret GAS by their own. THerefore european have highest tall bridge.

Its gel form to be applied on nose and leave 20~60minutes until it try to form a patch-like subtances. The GAS subtances will be penerate to our nose bridge to improve growth of soft bone in our nose.

Suitable for individuals who want their nose look higher without surgery above 16 years old.
It will help in removing blackheads and have smoother nose.
Average will be heightened 3~6mm in 1~2 month. Its popular in Korea and is approved by beauty executive and pros.
Package: 10 in per box. 5g each, 1 will be enough for 3 days.

风度隆鼻贴核心成分,是从深海甲壳类生物中提取的Gas分子,纯度超过99%, Gas分子是鼻骨和鼻软骨生长的基本物质,它的分泌会在15岁开始急剧减少,25岁前停止,“风度隆鼻贴”通过不断向鼻骨和鼻软骨补充甲壳类的gas分子,使鼻骨和鼻软骨生长拥有更多的Gas分子,从而使鼻子在原有的基础上更挺、更俏、更美,而且更自然、更安全、没任何副作用。


这是由基因所决定的。鼻子在生长过程中,细胞会分泌一种隆鼻元素GAS(Glucosamine Sulfate)GAS是鼻骨和鼻软骨的基本成分,由氨基葡萄糖、钙分子等组成。就像修建房屋时所需的钢筋水泥混凝土一样,GAS是鼻骨和鼻软骨生长的必需材料。细胞分泌GAS的能力高,则鼻梁高,细胞分泌GAS的能力低,则鼻子矮短。


“挺”有魅力 尽显“风度” 30-60天鼻梁增高3-6毫米


Price for Nose Heightening Patch: RM90/box (10pcs)
Click here for Payment Method

Invisible Liquid Condom for Contraceptive

Invisible Liquid Condom 

Invisible Liquid Condom Gel(Antimicrobial ) is a safe and dependable contraceptive, with a 99.9% success rate in killing sperm. It contains Nonoxinol, Benzalkonium Chloride, Aloe Vera essence etc. This gel plays two important role when applied, it is a Protectant and a Contraceptive. Aloe Vera Essence will also provide a rejuvenating and soothing on for the vaginal after sexual intercourse. Easy to bring along, User Friendly packaging.

Main components:
Nonoxinol (0-9), Benzalkonium Chloride (B2K), Aloe Vera.

Colorless, fragrance, water soluble and transparent gel.

Application: To be applied thoroughly on the shaft and tip of the penis or into the vaginal with tools provided. Can act as a lubricant for sexual intercourse. 

1) For application in body only, do not eat. 
2) Avoid during pregnancy 
3) store in cool and dry places

Specification: 3ml


性 状:





Price for Invisible liquid condom: RM10 /each
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Vagina Tightening through Chinese Herb Formula - Divine Frangrance 天香豆蔻紧致精华套装

天香豆蔻 - Pronounce as tiān xiāng dòu kòu in Chinese. 天香 means divine frangrance and 豆蔻 means cardamom.

There are many olden Chinese myth on the Divine Frangrance Cardamom. One of it is that it ripes onces every thirty years. And that anyone who eat it will recover from any major incurable illness. However, that person will fall into a state of coma, and will only awake if he/she eats the Divine Frangrance Cardamon again. 

This Vagina tightening Essence have the same name as the cardamom from the myth, minus the negative effect, and is available for you at right now. 

The secret formula is derived from different olden China reference, such as the  本草纲目 (pronounce as běn cǎo gāng   -Compendium of Materia Medica), 黄帝内经 (Pronounce as huáng dì nèi jīng - Emperor"s Classic of Internal Medicine) and 素女经 (pronounce as sù nǚ jīng   - Maiden's Compendium). It consist of 50 types or rare Chinese herbs, have no side effects, and provide Vagina Tightening without surgical procedures.

Korea Products and distribute by Hong Kong.

Tighten the vagina.
Eliminate toxic silt vaginal aging,the elimination of female lower body odor.
Rapid increase in vaginal wall fullness and elasticity.Improve women's vaginitis, vaginal discharge and other diseases.Increase female perineal muscles and anal sphincter contraction to mention tension.Natural drift of red clitoris labia and perineum color.Conservation of the ovaries, estrogen and progesterone balance of normal secretion.
Regulation of the endocrine, sedative, and improve sleep.

"Divine Frangrance Cardamom" use of modern biotechnology in the low-temperature fluid extraction technology with propolis, perilla oil, turmeric oil, chamomile, spearmint, grape oil, sage, rose, ylang ylang, Cnidium, borneol, licentiousness chinensis, musk and other natural precious herbs 50 finish made of refined extraction. This product is purely natural herbal extract, natural antibiotic with no side effects, no discomfort, no pollution, no dependencies。

Each box come with 6 tablets to be inserted in vagina, and one essence to be apply on clitoris(for stimulate hormone balance) and on outer part of vagina(for lightening the colour to pinkish).



“天香豆蔻”系列产品,利用现代生物工程在低温临界萃取技术用蜂胶、紫苏油、莪术油、洋甘菊、绿薄荷、葡萄油、鼠尾草、玫瑰、依兰、蛇床子、冰片、淫羊草、麝香等五十余味纯天然名贵草本植物精练萃取而成。本品纯属天然草本植物提炼, 含天然抗菌素、无副作用、无不适、无污染、无依赖性。


Price for Vagina Tightening Essence: RM230/box
Click here for Payment Method

Apr 10, 2011

Permanent Penis Enlargement Devise

Permanently Add 2 inches or more in less then 90 Days 
  • Permanent Results for both Length and Girth 
  • Easy to use! 
  • Painless and no side effect!
  • No Pumps (temp results), Pills or Lotion
  • Adjustable device to fit all Men
  • Usable anytime of the day!
How? By Principle of Tension. By safely and continuously stretching the various anatomical parts of the Penis with proper instructed use, increased length and thickness of the Penis is guaranteed.

The Max-Xtender penis enlargement device focus on traction to allow the human body's natural ability to grow and develop under physical influence.
By exposing the Penis to a constant stretch, the cells in this area begin to divide and multiply, thus increasing the Penis tissue mass. Permanent penis enlargement consequently happens in both the length and girth of the penis.
Penis Enlargement Pills - X
None of these methods actually work. They claim to add size to your penis, however results are never seen. If you have tried pills as a penis enlargement alternative, you also know that pills just enhance your sexual drive a little, but do not enlarge your penis.
Penis exercise programs - X
There are thousands of them all over the web, also claiming to add inches to your penis. Which penis exercise program works? Is there any truth to it?
Penis enlargement surgery - X
Doctors cut ligaments suspending the Penis at the pubic bone and implant foreign materials within the Penis cavities. Penis Enlargement surgery procedures are painful and have often led to infections and deformities of the Penis and are extremely expensive.

Penis Enlargement by tension 
Penis Enlargement by tension is safe and effective. It had been practiced in African and Asian cultures for centuries to develop or extend various body parts. It is the only natural way to enlarge your Penis Permanently

The Max-Xtender penis enlargement device allows the Penis to grow to its maximum potential. It can be used 24 hours a day if desired, it is fully tension adjustable to accommodate and suit your own level of comfort

The Max-Xtender will add inches to your Penis you have always wanted without limitations, its powerful ability to stretch will force all of the cells within your Penis to divide and multiply, delivering Permanent results!

After only a few sessions, you'll feel proud about your bigger and longer Penis, you can now stop the locker room embarrassment, you will satisfy your partner more than you have ever before. Enlarge your Penis to its biggest length and thickness with the Max-Xtender and be more confident then ever before!

If you are serious about wanting a bigger Penis, this is for you! Order the Max-Xtender Today! Follow the directions for the use of this penis enlargement product and with regular sessions your penis will become longer, thicker and harder! The more frequent you use this device, the faster the results!!

The Max-Xtender is a custom molded lightweight plastic device that has been designed and engineered to progressively enlarge and elongate any Penis to its maximum potential. Penis growth is based on the simple principle of positive tension. By safely and continuously stretching the various anatomical parts of the Penis with proper instructed use, increased length and thickness of the Penis is guaranteed!





1999年对18-61岁有正常勃起功能的男性进行了MAX EXTENDER的诊疗试验。每天使用2小时,连续使用28周,平均勃起时的尺寸长了1.4英寸(约3.6厘米),平常时的尺寸也长了1英寸(约2.54厘米)。

Price for Max Xtender: RM130
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