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Mar 6, 2012

FIXZ海藻胶原蛋白 / FIXZ Seaweed

在遠古時代被珍視為長生不老的吉祥藥,又名麒麟菜,在「本草綱目 」中記載鹹草 (即鹹的草)及貝原盃軒「大和本草」中記載的鹹草、三枝、鹽草、種草、神草、褔草等均有詳細的說明。早在周朝,日本就當成貢品進貢中國皇帝,是高貴的食品,自古以來被當作不老長壽的秘方。營養成分很高,珊瑚草對人體是有益,是一種高營養、高價值的貴重食物。含有豐富的礦物質,包括鈣、鐵、磷、鎂、鉀、硒 、錳....等,可預防及改善人體缺乏礦物質所帶來的疾病。

FIXZ 海藻胶原蛋白,适合一家大小和纯素者食用,特别是:


罹癌风险 – 减低了!    集中力 – 改善了!
血糖值 – 受控制了!    视力 – 敏锐了!
血压 – 恢复正常了!    器官机能 – 强化了!
胆固醇水平 – 恢复正常了!    体能 – 提升了!
发炎现象 – 消失了!    皱纹 – 减少了!
关节疼痛 – 纾解了!    松垂的皮肤 – 紧实了!
免疫力 – 增强了!    疤痕 – 淡化了!
老化现象 – 减缓了!     掉发 – 减少了!
记忆力 – 增强了!   身材 – 苗条了!


1. 什么是褐藻醣胶?长期服用此补给品是否安全?

2. 孕妇和授乳妇女是否可以服用褐藻醣胶?

3. 我很担心每胶囊 FIXZ 海藻胶囊。它是否适合患有甲状腺功能亢进症状者服用?

4. 我为何要选择FIXZ 海藻胶囊而不选市面上的其他褐藻醣胶产品?
FIXZ 海藻胶囊所含的褐藻醣胶已经获得证实具有各种效益,包括增强干细胞、美肤作用、帮助治理各种退化性疾病,如关节炎、抗肿瘤、增强免疫力等等,比起一般的褐藻醣胶(只具抗癌作用)更胜一筹!

5. 儿童是否适合服用FIXZ 海藻胶囊?他们有这个需要吗?

6. 凡患有高血压或服用抗凝血剂者是否可以服用褐藻醣胶?

7. 既然褐藻醣胶是萃取自褐藻,我可否在日常饮食中摄食更多的海藻以获享同样的效益?
我们根本无法从日常饮食中摄取足量的褐藻醣胶以获享所期望的益处。这是因为并非每一种海藻都有高含量的褐藻醣胶。人体需每天摄食至少100克富含褐藻醣胶的海藻才可获得相等于每锭Nn SupaFuco 海藻配方锭状食品所含的褐藻醣胶!摄食太多来历不明的海藻可能会使身体曝露于重金属、二恶英和PCBs之害(海藻污染问题所致)。此外,大多数的海藻都是以机器采收,可能造成海藻的褐藻醣胶含量骤然下降。机器采收也涉及高温处理,使褐藻成份降解而导致无法发挥其功效。

8. 既然褐藻醣胶有助于纾解关节疼痛,我是否应该停止服用Nn 生物活性葡萄糖胺500Nn 软骨素400

9. 我是否可以吞服FIXZ 海藻胶囊而不加以咀嚼?这种服用方法是否仍然有效?

10. 我还年轻,没有任何的健康问题,我需要服用FIXZ 海藻胶囊吗?

 Why choose FIXZ Seaweed Plus ?
- Seaweed collagen content are 10 times higher than shark's fin and bird's nest.
- FIXZ Seaweed Plus originates from seaweed that absorbs essential minerals and nutrients from the sea.
- It contains a broad range of minerals and collagen that assist in developing bones, maintaining healthy joints and enhance calcium absorption.
- It contains a high concentration of other Bone-Essential Minerals such as:
- Magnesium, which builds and strengthens the soft centre of the bones onto which minerals adhere to.
- It also contains Boron that helps to enhance calcium absorption.
- Together with Copper and Zinc, they play a role with Enzyme co-factors to build up and cell division of bones.
- It has higher bioavailability and better calcium absorption than calcium carbonate and tricalcium phosphate.

Benefits of FIXZ Seaweed Plus
.Helps to maintain strong bones and healthy teeth
.Helps to decrease risk of bone loss and fractures
.Helps to improve joint functions
.Helps to lower risk of colon cancer
.Helps to monitor regular heart beat
.Helps to alleviate insomnia
.Helps to metabolize your body’s iron
.Assisting nervous system, especially in impulse mission
.Assists in weight management
.Helps in preventing blood clot and helps in muscle contraction
.Utilising amino acids as building blocks for all body protein 
.Assists in maintaining healthy joints

Recommended to whom 

Children & Teenager          Who are going through growth periods
Pregnant Women              Also very nutritious for those who breast-feed 
Middle-aged Women          Who’s bone density is gradually decreasing 
Stressed                          For people who needs quality calcium due to stress
Osteoporosis                    For people who suffer from osteoporosis


Price per Unit (piece): RM188.00 @ 60 tablets
- Recommended as a supplement for people with osteoporosis


  1. Hello everyone, my name is ALFREED SIANG i am here to say a big thank you to my doctor DR OLU who helped me enlarge my penis.i have never had a happy relationship in my life because of my inability to perform well due to my small penis, due to frustration,i went online in search of solution to ending my predicament and than i came across testimony on how DR OLU has helped them, so i contacted him and he promised to help me with penis enlargement,i doubted at first but i gave him a trial and he sent me the product which i used according to his prescription and in less than a week,i saw changes in my penis and it grow to the size i wanted and since then,i am now a happy man and no lady complains again about my penis.if you also need the services of my doctor,you can also contact him on his or his whataspp is +2348140654426

    1. Hello viewers around the Globe, I was despondent because i had a very small penis, about 2.5 inches soft and 4 inches hard not nice enough to satisfy a woman, i have been in so many relationship, but cut off because of my situation, i have used so many product which doctors for me, but none could offer me the help i searched for. i saw some few comments on the INTERNET about this specialist called Dr,OLU and decided to contact him on his email: so I decided to give his herbal product a try. i emailed him and he got back to me, he gave me some comforting words with his herbal pills for Penis Enlargement, Within 3 week of it, i began to feel the enlargement was surprised when she said that she is satisfied with my sex and i have got a large penis. Am so happy, thanks to Dr OLU I also learn that Dr OLU also help with Breast Enlargement Hips and Bums Enlargement etc.. If you are in any situation with a little Penis, weak ejaculation, small breast_hips_bums do get to Dr OLU now for help on his email ( or add him on whatsapp line +2348140654426 
