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Apr 11, 2011

Vagina Tightening through Chinese Herb Formula - Divine Frangrance 天香豆蔻紧致精华套装

天香豆蔻 - Pronounce as tiān xiāng dòu kòu in Chinese. 天香 means divine frangrance and 豆蔻 means cardamom.

There are many olden Chinese myth on the Divine Frangrance Cardamom. One of it is that it ripes onces every thirty years. And that anyone who eat it will recover from any major incurable illness. However, that person will fall into a state of coma, and will only awake if he/she eats the Divine Frangrance Cardamon again. 

This Vagina tightening Essence have the same name as the cardamom from the myth, minus the negative effect, and is available for you at right now. 

The secret formula is derived from different olden China reference, such as the  本草纲目 (pronounce as běn cǎo gāng   -Compendium of Materia Medica), 黄帝内经 (Pronounce as huáng dì nèi jīng - Emperor"s Classic of Internal Medicine) and 素女经 (pronounce as sù nǚ jīng   - Maiden's Compendium). It consist of 50 types or rare Chinese herbs, have no side effects, and provide Vagina Tightening without surgical procedures.

Korea Products and distribute by Hong Kong.

Tighten the vagina.
Eliminate toxic silt vaginal aging,the elimination of female lower body odor.
Rapid increase in vaginal wall fullness and elasticity.Improve women's vaginitis, vaginal discharge and other diseases.Increase female perineal muscles and anal sphincter contraction to mention tension.Natural drift of red clitoris labia and perineum color.Conservation of the ovaries, estrogen and progesterone balance of normal secretion.
Regulation of the endocrine, sedative, and improve sleep.

"Divine Frangrance Cardamom" use of modern biotechnology in the low-temperature fluid extraction technology with propolis, perilla oil, turmeric oil, chamomile, spearmint, grape oil, sage, rose, ylang ylang, Cnidium, borneol, licentiousness chinensis, musk and other natural precious herbs 50 finish made of refined extraction. This product is purely natural herbal extract, natural antibiotic with no side effects, no discomfort, no pollution, no dependencies。

Each box come with 6 tablets to be inserted in vagina, and one essence to be apply on clitoris(for stimulate hormone balance) and on outer part of vagina(for lightening the colour to pinkish).



“天香豆蔻”系列产品,利用现代生物工程在低温临界萃取技术用蜂胶、紫苏油、莪术油、洋甘菊、绿薄荷、葡萄油、鼠尾草、玫瑰、依兰、蛇床子、冰片、淫羊草、麝香等五十余味纯天然名贵草本植物精练萃取而成。本品纯属天然草本植物提炼, 含天然抗菌素、无副作用、无不适、无污染、无依赖性。


Price for Vagina Tightening Essence: RM230/box
Click here for Payment Method

1 comment:

  1. Hello everyone. I was heartbroken because i had very small penis, not nice to satisfy a woman, i had so
    many relationship called off because of my situation, i have used so many product which i found online
    but none could offer me the help i searched for. i saw some few comments about this specialist called Dr osemuhau and decided to email him on
    so I decided to give his herbal product a try. i emailed him and he got back to me, he gave me some
    comforting words with his herbal pills for Penis t, Enlargement Within 1 week of it, i began to feel the
    enlargement of my penis, " and now it just 2 weeks of using his products my penis is about 9 inches
    longer and am so happy..feel free to contact Dr osemuhau on( him this number +2348168714427
